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(Table 10A in Friend At Court)

Withdrawal A Withdrawal occurs when a player decides not to play all matches in an event. A withdrawal occurs only before (or during the warm-up for) a player’s first match in an event. If the Withdrawal occurs before entries close, the Withdrawal may be for any reason. If the Withdrawal occurs after entries close (regardless of whether the draw has been made), it must be for injury, illness, or personal emergency. A Withdrawal also may occur as a result of a tournament administration error. Refusal to play for any other reason is treated as a Default.
Walkover A Walkover occurs when there has been an administrative error or when a player decides not to play a match in an event because of injury, illness, or personal emergency. Refusal to play for any other reason is treated as a Default. When a player decides not to play the player’s first match but is allowed to play in the consolation, the first match is treated as a Walkover.
Retirement A retirement occurs when a player is unable to continue playing a match or resume a suspended match because of injury, illness, personal emergency, or Adult Decision. Refusal to play for any other reason is treated as a Default.
Injury, Illness, or Personal Circumstance The terms injury & illness should be understood in their everyday sense and include situations when an Adult decides that the Junior should not play because of injury or illness.

Bona-fide reasons for not playing other than illness or injury shall be treated as personal circumstance. Personal Circumstance generally describes a situation in which a player has a serious or genuine reason for not playing.

A Referee should give a player the benefit of the doubt when deciding whether the player’s reason for not playing is bona-fide. A Personal Emergency should be treated as a Personal Circumstance. Bona-fide reasons for not playing could include being emotionally distressed over the breakup of a relationship or over the death of a relative or friend, but wanting to get home to play in another sporting event or for convenience is not a Personal Circimstance.

Adult Decision An Adult Decision occurs when a parent, coach or other person responsible for a Junior disciplines the Junior by not allowing the Junior to start or finish a match. Adult Decisions are treated as Defaults if the match has not started and as Retirements if the match has started. There is no such thing as a Withdrawal or Walkover because of an Adult Decision.
Default A Default occurs when the Referee does not allow a player to begin or continue a match. Examples of this kind of Default include a player who does not show up, a player who is defaulted for lateness, and a player who is defaulted under the Point Penalty System.
Default for Refusal to Play A Default also occurs when a player refuses to play or continue to play for reasons other than injury, illness, or personal emergency. Examples of this type of default include refusing to play in order to get home sooner or in order to participate in another sporting event.
Abandoned Match An Abandoned Match refers to a match that has started, but the Referee has decided that the match will not be completed. There is no winner or loser of the match.
Unplayed Match An Unplayed Match refers to a match that the Referee decides will not be started for any reason other than a Withdrawal, Walkover, Default, or Retirement. There is no winner of loser of the match.

A Disqualification occurs when the Referee removes a player from an event because the player was not eligible for the event.

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