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CTA volunteers

What is a CTA?

Any incorporated, geographically defined, not-for-profit, volunteer-based tennis organization that supports or provides programs which promote and develop the growth of tennis.

What does a CTA do?

As an association, the group works to coordinate and maintain tennis programs that are open and accessible to all. Members of the CTA may act as a tennis advocates, program administrators, promoters, and fund-raisers. Activities may include bringing tennis events and programs such as USTA programs, tennis camps, festivals, leagues and tournaments to the community and its residents.

What are the requirements of a CTA to receive USTA & MTA grant funds?

1. Registration with the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office as a private, non-profit organization
2. Obtain a USTA organizational membership
3. Complete the CTA Registration form on the USTA website
4. Federal Tax ID
5. Achieve tax-exempt status from the IRS
6. Annually file Form 990 with the IRS
7. Officers, Board of Directors, and By-Laws

Does A CTA Exist in Your Community?

About 75% of the state falls within the boundaries of an existing CTA. See CTA Directory for a complete listing and a contact person.

How to Start a CTA?

Contact Jay Pacelli or call 601-981-4421 for information about starting a CTA. Grant funds are available for start-up.

For a full list of resources for CTA's such as benefits, insurance, and workshop opportunities, visit: