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May Adult League & JTT Captains of the Month

Over the last few months, we've been highlighting Adult League & Junior Team Tennis Captains from each area around the state who've done an exemplary job captaining. This month’s Adult League Captain of the Month is Donna Matthews. Donna was raised in Gulfport and has two daughters who attend Mississippi colleges.  She started playing tennis at 40 years of age and joined Bayou Bluff Tennis Club.  

"BBTC has an outstanding  reputation within the tennis community and since I joined BBTC, I have captained teams since my first year, and have continued to do so. I have made lifetime friends and enjoy meeting new ones. I also like the exercise and value the timelessness of the sport."

This month’s JTT Captain of the Month is Kimberly Goza from Brookhaven. Kimberly has been the captain of her daughter's JTT team for about 2 years now.

"My daughter and her friends were wanting to get some more match play experience and JTT was mentioned by Terri Hall. JTT has been a great experience for the team."

Both she and her husband are from Brookhaven and have 4 children. She captain's her daughters team in the spring, summer and fall each year. 

"I grew up playing USTA tournaments and played tennis in high school and college. I am unable to play now due to an eye condition but still love the sport."