2019 and 2020 Mississippi League Championships Hosts
New 2019 and 2020 Mississippi League Championships Hosts and Calendar Announcement
The Mississippi Tennis Association is proud to announce the 2019 and 2020 Championship host sites. Every two years communities around the state bid to host a league championship. All locations have now been selected for the 2019 and 2020 championships. Tentative dates for 2019 have been selected, and the 2020 dates will be determined in late summer of 2019. Several great cities across the state submitted competitive bids for these tournaments, and we thank all of the communities willing to work so hard for league tennis.
The USTA Southern 65 & Over Mississippi Championships location will be Tupelo, MS. Tupelo is a returning host having hosted this event in 2008, 2009, and 2010. All matches will be played at Rob Leake Park in Tupelo. The 2019 event will be April 26-28, 2019.
Greenville, Mississippi will host the USTA League 55 & Over Mississippi Championships. Greenville is a long time host of Mississippi league events. Greenville Golf and Country Club will serve as headquarters for the league players in Greenville. The tournament committee promises an event, luncheon, and hospitality that will not soon be forgotten. The dates for 2019 are May 17-19.
The Ridgeland/Jackson metro area will host the 2019 and 2020 USTA League Tennis 18 & Over Championships. The 18 & Over Championship is scheduled for June 21-23, 2019. The Ridgleand Tourism Commission and the facilities in the area look forward to hosting this premier league event!
Starkville, MS will host the USTA Tri-Level Mississippi Championships. The Tri-Level players are sure to have a great time in Bulldog Country. Matches will be played at the AJ Pitts Tennis Center as well as on the intramural courts on campus. Starkville High school and Starkville Academy will also host matches. The dates for 2019 are September 27-29.
Oxford, MS will return as a host in 2019 and 2020 with its organization of the USTA League Tennis Adult 40 & Over Championships. Oxford Community Tennis Association and the Oxford Park Commission will work hand in hand to host another quality event. Goose Creek Club and the Country Club of Oxford will also join in the fun of hosting this league event. MTA looks forward to continuing the relationship with this great organization and community. The dates for this event are June 7-9, 2019
Tupelo, MS will also serve as host for the USTA Mixed Doubles Championships in 2019 and 2020. Tupelo is a prime location in our state for great food, shopping, with excellent tennis facilities. The dates for 2019 are August 23-25.
The Ridgeland/Jackson metro area will also welcome the Combo Doubles’ 18 & Over and 40 & Over age divisions. This event is set for November 8-10, 2019.
Vicksburg, MS will continue to host the Combo Doubles 55 & Over Championship divisions. A brand new headquarters building will be available as well as the wonderful hospitality of the City of Vicksburg. This event is set for November 8-10, 2019.
The league championships are awarded for two consecutive years. The bidding process opens in May of each year for available events. Bids are due in July. The MTA Adult League Committee reviews and awards bids. Awards are issued in September. For more information concerning bringing an event to your community, please contact Lindsey Bullard, Director of Adult League Tennis (lindseyb@mstennis.com).
2019 USTA Mississippi League Championship Calendar